Saturday, March 19, 2011

Triathlon Training Season Underway

For most triathletes, this time of year marks the start of the triathlon training season.  Winter is the time for resting and creating a fitness base, and spring represents the right time to crank up the intensity and make workouts more challenging.

Depending on where you live, you may have perfect training weather this time of year, or you may find that you still need to dress for the conditions.  In Southern climates, this can actually be a perfect time to make workouts longer and more intense, as the hot conditions have not yet set in, and comfortable workouts can be had at all times of the day.  In Northern climates, swimming is out of the question, but as long as you are alright with running in cold weather or putting an extra layer on for a bike ride, you can still get quality workouts in.

Many web resources offer triathlon training programs for people of all ages.  Many can be found for free, or you can pay to get a more customized plan with possible personal interaction from a coach.  Whatever the case, whether your triathlons begin in May or July, do this:  Make March the month that kicks of your intense training.  Don't overdo it at the beginning, but know that by May you should be having long, hard workouts, and that means you need to start dialing it up today!

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